-------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Sim4Life V4.0 Release Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Release Date: 20.02.2018 Sim4Life V4.0 features the novel multi-parameter and multi-goal optimization framework, full integration and support for the NIMBIX Cloud platform, graphical visualization of the circuit networks for matching, tuning, and decoupling of multiport simulations. In addition, it includes the parallelization/HPC support for coupled EM-neuron dynamics modeling, efficient anatomical model generation/ adaptation functionality for computational phantoms, as well as various enhancements and bug fixes. This document summarizes the features, modules, enhancements, known bugs, workarounds, and other important issues to be aware of in this release. -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Installation Requirements 2. Supported OS 3. New Features & Enhancements 3.1. Modeling 3.2. Simulation 3.3. Analysis 3.4. Optimizer 3.5. Modules 3.6. ARES 3.7. Cloud Computing 3.8. Python 3.9. Interface 4. List of Main Bugs (Selection) Fixed Since Last Release 5. Known Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Installation Requirements -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Administrator rights are required during the installation process. - NVIDIA graphics card, with support for OpenGL versions higher than v3.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Supported OS -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Windows Server 2012 R2 - Windows 7 64 bit - Windows 8 64 bit - Windows 8.1 64 bit - Windows 10 64 bit Sim4Life V4.0 uses Acceleware's Rotorua library version 11.1.12. Please get the latest NVIDIA driver for your hardware from the Acceleware website: http://acceleware.com/fdtd-11.1.12. Please note that only NVIDIA GPUs with CUDA Compute Capability 1.3 or higher are supported by the S4L CUDA solver (e.g., Tesla C10XX). The AXE solver supports only CUDA Compute Capability >= 2.0. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. New Features & Enhancements -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1. Modeling - Simultaneous operation of the parametric tools on multi-selection of entities. - Phased arrays can now be created from existing or imported CAD model. - Phased array tool now allows for manual editing of individual array elements. - Boolean operations now can be used with complex surface-based anatomical models, such as the ViP v3.x. 3.2. Simulation - T-NEURO simulations can now be run on remote machines. - Material Database: updated database (Generic 1.1) with newest Rogers material data, using Design Dk. 3.3. Analysis - Matching network tool now provides graphical representation of circuits created manually or imported from OptenniLab. - T-NEURO results with enhanced titration visualization. - Individual movies of neuronal data can now be combined in the post-processing. - Worst-Case Power Density algorithm to find the highest power density reachable by an antenna array whose elements. 3.4. Optimizer - Multi-parameter and multi-goal optimization framework forming a dedicated suite/toolkit for optimization and/or tuning of virtual prototypes. - Optimization engine (combined with the powerful DAKOTA package) includes global optimization methods, such as stochastic response surface methods and Evolutionary Algorithms. - Guided and Expert modes: for an easy optimization setup with predefined goals and for full customization of the setup through pipelines in the workbench, respectively. - Multiple objectives and constraints (e.g., reflection coefficient, averaged specific absorption rate (SAR), radiation efficiency) can be provided by the user as mathematical expressions. - Design variables include geometry, material parameters, lumped elements, simulation settings and results. - Customizable plots with status information (parameters, fitness, convergence, etc.) at any time during the optimization process. 3.5. Modules 3.5.1 iSEG - Improved and more robust live-link experience in Sim4Life (world coordinates of medical image data and segmentations). - An automatic bone segmentation algorithm for faster computed tomography (CT)-image operation. - A bias-correction algorithm for MR images. - Possibility to import and voxel STL-files. - Peak memory usage substantially reduced during loading and saving of iSEG projects. 3.6. ARES - ARES has the option now to run as a web server for improved network stability and faster download of results. 3.7. Cloud Computing - Integration of the NIMBIX Cloud platform for cloud-based computation. - Integrated upload/download of result files directly from the Nimbix cloud data partition. - A integrated graphical user interface (GUI) providing user access to the Nimbix status console and all its functionality for real-time monitoring and controlling of running simulation tasks and costs in the cloud. - Available solvers in the Nimbix cloud: EM-FDTD/SW/AXE and thermal for both single and double precision architectures. 3.8. Python - Several improvements on the Sim4Life Python API. - New Python module providing access to many useful image-based modeling functions for scripting. 3.9. Interface - Archiving enabling the user to selectively save more disk space by keeping or deleting voxels, raw or processed data - Archived projects can be opened in read-only mode to reduce possible human errors -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. List of Main Bugs (Selection) Fixed Since V3.4.3 Release -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Case 79733: Fix in the normalization of overall field sensor with an edge source inside a subgrid region - Case 86059: Fix in the initial conditions of thermal simulations when adding a new sensor to the incident simulation - Case 87363: Fix in the log messages of Sweeper - Case 88343: Fix in coupling Coupling MQS/FDTD/Acoustics file source to Thermal simulation - Case 89015: Fix in the Antenna Diversity tool - Case 95836: Change defaults of LF solvers to use a single core/thread and avoid using MPI - Case 96599: Fix in MATCH tool to be able to import circuits including resistors from OptenniLab - Case 96605: Fix in Far-field sensor to be able to normalize results - Case 96624: Fix Power Balance to correctly report radiated power - Case 100037: Fix in Python sim.RunSimulation(wait=False) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Known Issues -------------------------------------------------------------------- - Case 32807: Instability for some rare dispersive material configurations - Case 40481: Python memory usage occasionally still occupied after resetting analysis - Case 47035: Random problems in visualization of Dispersive Viewer - Case 54000: Random element appearing in Gridder - Case 54179: Occasional under-performance of CUDA solver compared to SEMCAD X 14.8 - Case 58852: Artwork executable detected by Antivirus - Case 61881: Rare issue with distribution of the simulation job to the GPUs when using CUDA - Case 86865: Job priorities do not correspond to the job execution