v3.10.57 26.02.2021 - merge dialog for importing of image series (png, jpg, bmp and NEW tif) - merge dialog for importing of medical images (nifty, mhd, ...) - use nanoflann to map color images to index image - add setting to skip saving target in .h5 file (save time and disk space) v3.10.56 02.12.2020 - fix: RT struct importer was rounding slice position incorrectly. some slices seemed to be "skipped" v3.10.55 18.11.2020 - fix: surface viewer now automatically closes when user swaps planes, or resizes image v3.10.54 24.08.2020 - fix: surface viewer now appears in front of mainwindow - upgrade thirdparty library ITK to v5.1.1 v3.10.53 21.04.2020 - add surface reduction/decimation in surface viewer v3.10.52 16.04.2020 - remove density threshold from OLC (it is already in threshold tool) - add "Spherize" tool in OLC, which transforms voxel set topology of a selected object to a genus zero manifold region v3.10.51 09.03.2020 - disable license check v3.10.50 11.02.2020 - fix order of slices when loading dicom files v3.10.49 08.11.2019 - added recent places to open/save file dialogs. the initial directory is taken from the last one - upgrade third party libs ITK v5.0.1 (now built with TBB for better performance) - upgrade third party libs VTK v8.2 v3.10.48 04.11.2019 - add masking tool, to mask out regions in source image v3.10.47 29.10.2019 - fix bug in dicom importer leading to incorrect z-spacing v3.10.46 25.10.2019 - fix RT struct importer - add option to mirror image stack when user requests "inverse slice order" - add checkbox to enable/disable brush in interpolation widget v3.10.45 16.10.2019 - add: density threshold widget v3.10.44 08.08.2019 - fix: threshold widget callback was always enabled, even when widget is not active v3.10.43 24.05.2019 - add outline color selector - clear marks now removes all marks - show number of disconnected regions in surface viewer - fix some incorrect signal slot connections (no slot ...) v3.10.42 15.04.2019 - fix bug: page up/down shortcut was broken v3.10.41 31.03.2019 - add mark from surface viewer now adds "real" (and persistent) marks - clean/up context menu in image windows - now target surface viewer can be started from context menu v3.10.40 29.03.2019 - added split surface option (button) in Surface viewer - changed behavior of View Tissue Surface -> now it shows only selected tissues v3.10.38 26.03.2019 - merge branch to remove qt3 support from osparc-iseg - potential change in behavior: threshold widget UI was re-written using Qt Designer - refactoring: - numerous UI elements now are using a QFormLayout - morph widget now has a progress dialog - refactor some core classes, e.g. renamed slice handler interface and ITK interface... - fixed some ZMT iSEG only widgets, update to use newer API v3.10.38 26.03.2019 - add "export lines" function in Kalman root tracer for RESTORE v3.10.37 18.03.2019 - morpho now can run in 3d or per slice for all active slices v3.10.36 12.03.2019 - add: option to split active slices into batches of N slices to reduce peak memory v3.10.35 06.03.2019 - fix: active region was not considered in some tools, like the Smooth Tissues tool in the OLC - add: loading vtk files with lines was added (follows same workflow as Import Surface) v3.10.34 20.02.2019 - fix OLC tool behavior (tool would also start with target selected) - refactoring of multi dataset widget: now it can resample extra image to match the source image (same dimensions, ...) v3.10.33 30.01.2019 - fix some style issues, like checked and disabled buttons - fix window size issues -> some plugins were creating large parameter views -> solved by moving them into a QScrollArea - fix auto-update of surface viewer when tissues (or work?) was changed in 3D - refactor OLC tool -> replace all old Qt3 stuff and split methods parameters into separate widgets - due to heavy refactoring of OLC this version may have bugs (in OLC) v3.10.32 30.01.2019 - add "smooth tissue" method in OLC tool v3.10.31 30.01.2019 - add root tracing tool from RESTORE - disable auto-update of surface viewer when e.g. Get Tissue is called v3.10.30 24.10.2018 - split tissue does not rename largest component v3.10.29 24.10.2018 - new function to jump to next non-zero target slice v3.10.28 11.10.2018 - new function to split tissue into disconnected parts. e.g. Fat -> Fat_1, Fat_2, Fat_3, ... v3.10.27 10.10.2018 - merge from osparc iseg, with better support for making proper MacOS bundle & some clang fixes - fix loading Dicom files with no extension (MacOS bug) v3.10.26 28.09.2018 - function to replace tissue by neighbors via voting v3.10.25 19.09.2018 - add feature to assign random colors - faster "Select All" in Tissue explorer v3.10.24 14.09.2018 - installer now does not remove iSeg/tmp folder - installer installs the hdf5 plugin for Blosc - load png/jpg/bmp now guesses where the lut is v3.10.23 14.09.2018 - added support for Blosc HDF5 filter (optional via Settings -> Enable Blosc) - profiled loading/saving and made speedups in get range & and filling with zeros (initialization) v3.10.22 11.09.2018 - add function: Tools -> Target Connectivity which computes connected components in target - started adding mechanism to show progress feedback (for ITK filters) v3.10.21 08.09.2018 - Improve: "Remove Tissue" faster for multiple tissues (multi-selection) - New: function to remove unused tissues (Tools -> Remove Unused Tissues) - New: guide outline visualization and copying in OLC brush tool v3.10.21 22.08.2018 - merge from osparc iseg - TissueCleaner now respects tissue locks v3.10.20 17.08.2018 - merge from osparc iseg - added logger - fix in thinning - faster Get Tissue - cleanup/fixes in OLC related mm/pixel units v3.10.19 19.07.2018 - build with licensing - add convexify tool - add centerline tool (in Edges Widget) to extract and export centerlines v3.10.18 11.07.2018 - build without licensing v3.10.17 09.07.2018 - fix: reset LUT on New Project to avoid crash - add option to quantize color images to reference lookup table - add option to export color lut - improved speed of color lut IO v3.10.16 04.07.2018 - surface viewer now shows tissue name in select action in context menu - new action to mark point in target v3.10.15 02.07.2018 - new faster & better surface viewer - connected shape-based interpolation which avoids gaps in connected objects - enable drawing in interpolation widget - switch to vtk with tbb v3.10.14 27.06.2018 - fix merging of projects: information like dims, tissue list, transforms was not written to the h5 file v3.10.13 26.06.2018 - add option in interpolation tool to connect object regions by aligning their center of gravity - add automatic "vessel" extraction tool - fix: rotation info view now shows complete rotation matrix - add multi-selection from slice view - extend slice hander API, e.g. to get selected tissues v3.10.12 01.06.2018 - fix bug in OLC tool (preview of brush was using wrong stopping criterion: width instead of height) - added tube tracing tool, merged from osparc-iseg - add preview version of Atropos plugin v3.10.11 09.05.2018 - upgrade itk and vtk to same versions as Sim4Life v4.2 v3.10.10 27.04.2018 - fix mm radius in OLC brush - fix and enable confidence connected widget - fix and enable levelset widget v3.10.9 - morphological filtering now works in mm or pixel space - new tool option: Load Surface now has the option to intersect the voxels with the (closed or open) surface - new tool: 'Separate Tissue" (based on graph cut method, draw lines with different colors) - new tool: "Segment Tissues", a Markov Random Field based segmentation tool (still very experimental), wrapper of Atropos code possible changes in behavior: - drawing/picking/adding seed points or marks now works mostly in Source and Target. Following tools now also listen to mouse events in the Target: - Fuzzy (fast marching fuzzy) - IFT - Contour (Livewire) - Growing v3.10.8 26.03.2018 - fixed bug preventing hdf5 from writing dimensions, spacing, etc. (wrong chunksize) v3.10.7 22.03.2018 - fixed: tissue filter was not behaving quite as I wanted - added option to draw (OLC) with a brush with radius in mm (vs pixels): this helps with very anisotropic voxels ==> BUGGY version: dimensions, dc, rotation, offset not written to h5 file v3.10.6 22.03.2018 - modified installer such that full name of iSeg version is used in shortcuts, links, registry - added filter for tissue tree view (helpful for long lists of tissues) v3.10.5 20.03.2018 - parallelize range calculations (e.g. after load proj) - fix: crop/pad was loosing colors - improve: morphological operations now are performed in 3D using ITK v3.10.4 20.03.2018 - make "Group tissues" safer. Fail if tissue is not in tissue list and log in iSeg.log - add function "Remove tissues" which deletes tissues in txt file. Fail if tissue is not in tissue list and log in iSeg.log - make many small functions run in parallel: - Get/Clear Tissue, Tissue Adder, OLC functions (islands, gaps, ...), Threshold tool v3.10.3 19.03.2018 - attempt to fix problem in merge projects (failing for large projects) - avoid copying memory for Tissue, if type is tissue_size_t - use size_t for total size of array -> maybe there was an overflow... - add some log info v3.10.2: 15.03.2018 - fix memory leak in sliceprovider, noticeable in swap operations v3.10.1: 14.03.2018 - fix: loading S4L live link file (hdf5 only via HDF5Reader), the option "Contiguous Memory" was ignored/not set - improve: merge projects has lower peak memory usage: each project is written separately -> we don't load all projects into one big buffer v3.8.101: 16.02.2018 - add tooltips to most widgets - fixed major BUG which was preventing Tissue from being loaded v3.8.101: 15.02.2018 - fix bug in swap/merge etc. how I was setting/updating color lookup table - cannot reproduce issue that tissues are lost. maybe resolved by this? - add tooltips to interpolation widget and buttons/area of most widgets v3.8.100: 15.02.2018 - added tooltips for Added and Get tissue buttons/options v3.8.100: 15.02.2018 - fixed vtk-based viewers for surface & volume rendering - slightly improved volume rendering viewers options - started adding tooltips v3.8.100: 15.02.2018 - added an option to turn ON/OFF contiguous memory IO, i.e. either old behavior or new (reduced peak memory) behavior v3.8.100: 14.02.2018 - disable vessel widget by default - fix: merging of iSEG projects does not remove color lookup table - fix: swapping planes does not remove color lookup table - fix: minimum width of several widgets v3.8.99: 24.01.2018 Enabled compression for hdf5 files written using slice-by-slice feature v3.8.98: 23.01.2018 Enabled reading & writing slice-by-slice in order to avoid copying whole memory 18.01.18 Fixed bug in high memory consumption. 20.10.17 Added color lookup table and mechanism to load this from the H5 file and display RGB images in color 05.10.17 Feature widget was not showing very long tissues names Fix: To be compatible with S4L, the hiearchy must be saved as H5 attribute. 05.10.17 Currently selected tissue hierarchy is now written to the H5 file, and read by (parts of) Sim4Life Updated to new version of ITK 4.12.2 26.09.17 Markers and Labels are stored in HDF5 19.09.17 Fixed writing of rotation matrix in HDF5 (XMDF writer) 16.06.17 Fixed bug in the padding/crop operation, which was only noticable when the image transform had a non-trivial rotation matrix. 16.06.17 Fixed bug in load surface operation, which prevented user from loading surfaces which are slightly outside bounding box of image. 16.06.17 Fixed bug in the padding/crop operation, which was only noticable when the image transform had a non-trivial rotation matrix. The bug would lead to an incorrect position of the project in space. 16.06.17 Fixed bug related to image transforms. iSeg now stores a full 4x4 transformation matrix, instead of just the translation plus (6-component) direction cosines. This change leads to changes in the *.proj file, old versions of iSeg cannot load new project files. This problem was also fixed in the Sim4Life-iSEG live link. 16.06.17 Upgraded the compiler to Visual Studio 2015. Upgraded to new VTK, GDCM (via ITK) iSeg now depends on new libraries (now depends on ITK, and boost). 31.03.17 Add plugin system for loading (user-defined) widgets at load time. Added several example widgets, which need polishing before a release - graph cut bone segmentation - bias correction for MR images - level set plugin - confidence connected segmentation plugin 31.03.17 Added multi-selection in tissue list. Added/updated several functions in context menu. Added experimental GPU marching cubes surface extraction to quickly visualize surfaces. 20.12.16 Extract contour now saves surface in same coordinate system as image 16.12.16 Fix loading dir cosines Add load s4l live link menu item 28.10.16 Saving process improved 27.10.16 STL Surfaces can be imported 22.07.16 Added Source Multi-Dataset feature 09.05.16 Name and color reassigned when the collpased exporting tissue is only one Added the option of entering not integers at the AddSkin in mm-s function 03.02.16 Dicom loader changed for all cases 14.01.16 Check bone connectivity tool added 29.01.15 K-Means tool ready to load centers from file 27.01.15 K-Means tool extended for PNG multiChannel 27.01.15 Added support to load PNG files 21.11.14 Thickness measurement added 17.11.14 Cropping tool improved with output preview 23.10.14 FillSkin tool parallelized 23.10.14 FillSkin tool very improved 17.10.14 iSeg asks whether the current studio should be saved 16.10.14 RStruct Importing: tissues AutoSorted 09.10.14 FillSkin tool added 07.10.14 New 24/32bit depth bitmaps loader/converter 29.09.14 [47152] New GDCM library linked to open some problematic DCM files 24.09.14 Help added to import RTStructs 12.09.14 [45933] Saving process improved [45934] "Add skin tool" improved 05.09.14 [45935] Communication between iSEG and Sim4Life improved. Shared file compressed. 02.09.14 [45943] Zoom tool improved