NEWS & EVENTS » EVENTS » EXHIBITIONS » Exhibitions and Workshops 2015
2015年1月1日 - 2015年12月15日

Exhibitions and Workshops 2015

ZMT Exhibitions & Events 2015

ZMT Zurich MedTech AG will participate in the following conferences and exhibitions presenting Sim4Life and its complete array of test systems for medical devices.

ESMRMB Course - RF Simulation for MR Systems: Coil design and safety Heidelberg, Germany 10 - 13 February
Exhibition at MEDTEC UK & Healthcare Technologies London, UK 3 - 4 March
International Societey for Therapeutic Symposium (ISTU) Utrecht, The Netherlands 15 - 18 April
Exhibition and Invited Talks at MeetTheExperts: Implants
Interlaken, Switzerland
7 - 8 May
Exhibition at BMES/FDA Frontiers in Medical Devices Conference Maryland, USA
18 - 20 May
Exhibition and Workshop at ISMRM Toronto, Canada
30 May - 5 June
Exhibition at ESHO Zurich, Switzerland 24 - 27 June
ESMRMB Course - RF Coils: Desig and Build your own Berlin, Germany 23 - 25 June
Ultra-High Field MR Symposium Berlin, Germany 26 June
Exhibition at Computational Phantoms International Workshop Seoul, Korea 20 -22 July
Exhibition at ESMRMB Congress Edinburg, UK 1 -3 October

Public workshops will be held in Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China. Please contact local representatives or for more detailed information.

Workshop in Korea Seoul, Korea 23 October
Workshop in Japan Japan
November (tba)

In addition, our sister company SPEAG will be exhibiting at the following conferences and exhibitions this year. 

Exhibition at IEEE EMC & SI Silicon Valey, USA 15 - 21 March
Exhibition at MTTS-IMS Phoenix, USA
17 - 22 May
Exhibition at IEEE EMC Europe Dresden, Germany 16 - 22 August
Exhibition at EuMW Paris, France 6 - 11 September

More information can be found at SPEAG's events page. If you would like to arrange a demo or meeting, or are interested in attending a technical workshop, please send an email to semx-workshop

Public workshops representing ZMT's and SPEAG's products will be held in the USA, Korea, Japan, Taiwan and China. Please contact local representatives or for  detailed information.

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