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Reboux, Sylvain

Reboux, Sylvain

Senior Software Engineer


Sylvain Reboux was born in 1982 in eastern France.


Sylvain completed his engineering degree in Mathematics and Mechanics at the Ecole Polytechnique Paris, France) in 2005, his M.Sc. degree in Fluid Mechanics at the Université Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris, France) in 2005 and his PhD degree in Applied Mathematics at the University of Nottingham (Nottingham, UK) in 2008.

Sylvain worked for 4 years as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Computer Science of ETH Zurich, developing novel computational methods and algorithms in a high-performance computing environment. He then joined ASCOMP AG, an ETHZ spinoff company specializing in computational fluid dynamics solutions. As head of research there, his role was to initiate and develop research projects in collaboration with universities and research institutes, as well as consultancy projects for industry.

Sylvain joined ZMT in August 2015 as Senior Software Engineer for Computational Life Sciences.