NEWS » NEWS » CORPORATE » 2024 » Sim4Life, and TIBS-R showcased at the 2024 NYC Neuromodulation Conference
Jul 10, 2024

Sim4Life, and TIBS-R showcased at the 2024 NYC Neuromodulation Conference

Sim4Life, MITS-TT, and TIBS-R showcased 2024 NYC Neuromodulation Conference


We are excited to have the opportunity to exhibit for the first time at the upcoming 2024 NYC Neuromodulation Conference in New York City, USA, from July 31 – August 4, 2024!

Visit us at Booth #18/19, where ZMT and our Z43 partners, the IT’IS Foundation (IT’IS) and TI Solutions AG, will present our latest tools for personalized and targeted neuromodulation.

In silico modeling: ZMT will showcase the latest features of Sim4Life, our leading computational platform for neural modulation and sensing. The cloud version Sim4Life.web integrates seamlessly with an extendible suite of advanced tools and features, such as streamlined pipelining, or a scalable workflow automation on Amazon Web Services (AWS), taking image-based and personalized modeling and simulation to the next level. The ability for users to jointly develop, share, and collaborate on projects in both academic and industrial environments provides additional benefits for neuromodulation applications.

Non-invasive brain stimulation: TI Solutions will present the latest release of its advanced investigational device for temporal interference stimulation, TIBS-R V3.0. Improved second order intermodulation performance  and a new filter solution from partner IT’IS permit uncompromised concurrent high-density electroencephalography (EEG) recording during closed-loop temporal interference stimulation. A wireless charging add-on extends the runtime of the stimulator for overnight stimulation.

TIBS-R is complemented by the unique, cloud-based TI planning tool TIP V3.0 from IT’IS, which includes an artificial intelligence empowered state-of-the-art toolset for instant and fully automated image-based, high-resolution head model segmentation for personalized modeling.

Be sure to not miss the pre-conference “Computational Neuromodulation Workshop: Modeling Brain Stimulation Fundamental and Applications” on July 31, 2024, at 3.25pm, where Esra Neufeld, Associate Director of IT’IS, will talk about “A Pipeline for Personalized Brain Modeling: From Stimulation to Network Activity”.

We look forward to welcoming you at Booth #18/19 in NYC!

The Teams of ZMT Zurich MedTech, IT’IS Foundation, and TI Solutions