NEWS » NEWS » SIM4LIFE » Save The Date: ISMRM Sim4Life User Workshop 2022
Apr 19, 2022

Save The Date: ISMRM Sim4Life User Workshop 2022

Save The Date: ISMRM Sim4Life User Workshop 2022

Our annual ISMRM Sim4Life User Workshop will be held again: Tuesday, May 10, 2022 from 6:30pm – 10:00pm at Novotel London ExCeL, London, UK. 

In our demo, we will showcase our latest tools and enhancements. In addition, selected invited experts will discuss how critical aspects of patient safety, such as unintended peripheral nerve stimulation, impacts the design of next-generation magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) gradient and radiofrequency (RF) coils — and why coupling electromagnetic, thermal, and electrophysiological computational modeling and simulation with high-resolution functionalized anatomical models is key to success. 

Demo highlights include ZMT’s new IMAnalytics Suite, which can now also be applied to passive implants, and the compact medical implant table-top test system MITS-TT for validating Tier-3 implant models within minutes.

The workshop will include discussions on the latest MRI safety standards as well as roadmaps of Sim4Life and the IT’IS Virtual Population, the industry gold standard in anatomical computational models. 

A detailed agenda will be announced soon.

Please note that limited seating is available. Registration is required and will be handled on a first-come first-serve basis. You will receive a confirmation email within 24h.

Our experts will also be available throughout the conference at Booth #G30 to showcase our latest developments and demonstrate how they can help meet your needs.

We look forward to welcoming you in London!

The ZMT Zurich MedTech Team

2204 ISMRM SaveTheDate