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Nov 2, 2022

ZMT Sim4Life Workshop at Neuroscience 2022: Agenda & Registration

ZMT Sim4Life Workshop at Neuroscience 2022: Agenda & Registration

We are excited to announce our second Sim4Life Workshop at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in San Diego, USA, taking place on

Date: Monday, November 14, 2022
Time: 18:30  – 22:00
Venue: Room “Mission Beach”, Manchester Grand Hyatt, 1 Market Place, San Diego, CA 92101

The detailed program can be downloaded here.

Renowned scientists will talk about advancements in computational modeling and simulation for optimized electroceuticals and personalized treatments.

The keynote lecture will be delivered by Dr. Robert Gaunt (University of Pittsburgh, USA), whose research focuses on spinal cord stimulation to improve bladder function by activating the sensory inputs to the sacral spinal segments that coordinate continence and micturition. In his presentation he will give an example how an entire pipeline has been successfully implemented in the online o2S2PARC  platform, including image segmentation, population of axon trajectories, recruitment simulation and bladder function, thereby  greatly expanding the realism of spinal cord models for studying the ability of spinal cord stimulation.

Dr. Adam Williamson (Aix-Marseille University, France) will talk about the application of noninvasive temporal interference brain stimulation in epilepsy targeting the hippocampus, and how results from excitatory and inhibitory stimulation in rodent models have been successfully translated to initial results in patients.

The discussion on translational investigations in neuroscience will be continued by the presentation of Dr. Antonino Cassarà (IT’IS Foundation, Switzerland) on the advancements in bioelectronic medicine achieved by in silico modeling with Sim4Life.     

Furthermore, Dr. Dennis Q. Truong (Soterix Medical, USA) will demonstrate how he uses Sim4Life for image-derived modeling of transcranial focused ultrasound and transcranial pulse stimulation, and how he was able to study the effects of pulse width in transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

Dr. Elisabetta Iavarone (IT’IS Foundation, Switzerland) will share recent accomplishments in the area of personalization of stimulation, a key aspect in neuromodulation, and o2S2PARC’s capability to integrate a complete modeling pipeline.

The event will be concluded with a presentation by Dr. Michael Oberle (ZMT Zurich MedTech AG, Switzerland) on selected features of the most recent as well as upcoming Sim4Life releases, and how this will address future technological challenges in bioelectronic medicine.

All workshop participants will be offered a light dinner during the workshop.

Registration to the workshop is open and free of charge, but space is limited, and seats will be allocated on a “first come, first serve” basis. If you are interested in participating, please register by email.

We look forward to welcoming you in San Diego at our workshop and at Booth #2917 where we will showcase our latest developments!

The ZMT Zurich MedTech Team