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TFD SYSTEM » zurich med tech


Test Field Diversity System for AIMD Validation

The Test Field Diversity (TFD) System has been developed to accelerate and simplify the piX model validation of active implantable medical devices (AIMDs) with lower uncertainty than traditional methods. The system is fully compatible with our MITS and the piX systems.


System (Basic Package)

 DUAL-CYL-TFD Complete Package

TDS-B1 Measurement System and Phantom Fixture

TFD Software Upgrades for MITS1.5,  MITS3.0 and DASY AIMD system

Incident tangential E-field database for use with TLe78c0.47@64 at 64 MHz and 128 MHz*

Validation report for SAIMD-U

Optional System Components

TDS-RFoF1P4MED for induced voltage evaluation in TFD System

Incident tangential E-field database for use with:
-TLe78c0.65@64 at 64 MHz and 128 MHz*
-TLe78c1.20@64 at 64 MHz and 128 MHz*
-TLe11.5c.045@64 at 64 MHz*
-TLe11.5c.045@128 at 64 MHz*

*including validation report with target values for SAIMD-U


ISO/TS 10974

Detailed Information 

Request PhD thesis of Dr. Aiping Yao